General booking information
The necessary fine print
All prices are per room and night. Breakfast buffet: additional 13,00 € per person.
The supplement for half board is 28,50 € per person and day.
Ample free parking is available in the courtyard. The price for a garage space is 6,00 € per day.
Room preferences
Your individual room wishes will be taken into consideration as far as possible, but a definite commitment cannot be given.
Child reduction in the room of the parents:
0 – 6 years: free with breakfast
7 – 12 years: 50% discount
For a third person in the room age 13 years or older, we request an additional charge of 25,00 €.
Unfortunately, we kindly ask you to leave your four-legged friends at home.
Credit Cards
We are happy to accept debit cards as well as the following credit cards: Amex, Visa, Diners, Eurocard and Mastercard.
From 15:00 o´clock your room is available.
Room clearance is requested until 11:00.